Efficient Agricultural Land Redistribution Using GIS Mapping Tools

In today’s global landscape, the management and distribution of agricultural land have become critical factors in ensuring sustainable food production and equitable resource access. However, many regions face challenges with fragmented land ownership patterns and inefficient land use practices, hindering optimal agricultural productivity and creating socioeconomic disparities. In this context, mapping the farmlands with equitable agricultural land has become relevant. MAPOG addresses these challenges with Agricultural Land Consolidation and Redistribution using merge and split tools and thus revolutionizing agricultural land management for the betterment of communities and ecosystems alike.

Key Concept- Mapping for Agricultural Land Redistribution

By leveraging GIS data, MAPOG facilitates the identification of suitable areas for consolidation and redistribution of agricultural lands. And integrates those geographical data with various analytical tools to support decision-making in land management. The split and merge tools within the MAPOG platform enable the reorganization of land parcels by merging the adjacent fragmented lands into a single unit and then dividing the parcel into equal parts. The links for GIS Data which we’re using here are mentioned at the end of the article.

Result- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Follow the below process Step-by-Step for agricultural land redistribution:

Step 1: Open Map Analysis

Open Map analysis interface from MAPOG platform

Step 2: Upload Data

, Click on Add upload in the header. Select Add GIS data.

Upload GIS data- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Then, select the country and add agriculture land polygons from the built-in GIS data.

Add agricultural land polygon- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 3: Save your Map

 Now, save your map with suitable names by clicking on the pencil icon seen near the “Untitled Map” text.

Save map- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 4: Clip the layer

For your convenience, extract out the specific agricultural land of your interest by using the Clip tool. Click on Action then select Clip layer option. By enabling the icons appearing in the dialogue box, draw a polygon around your region of interest. Then click on Submit.

Clip layer- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Hide the agriculture land polygon layer initially added.

After that, rename the clipped layer by clicking on the pencil icon in the Action.

Rename clipped layer- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 5: Consolidate the agricultural land

Next, click on Process data and select Merge polygons.

Select merge tool- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Select the polygon to be merged either by drawing a polygon intersecting the desired  polygon using Lasso tool or select it manually by left clicking on the polygon. Then click on New Layer  to publish the merged data.

Merge polygons- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Hide the clipped layer to see the merged polygon.

Merged agricultural land polygons- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 6: Redistribute agricultural land

For redistributing, click on Process data and select Split polygon.

Select split tool- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Then select the layer and select the polygon in the active data by left clicking on the polygon. Enter the number of parts to which the polygon has to be splitted equally. Finally click on the New layer.

Split polygon- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Now the polygon is splitted equally i.e, the agricultural land is redistributed equally.

Equally splited agricultural land- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 7: Final adjustments

Rename the layers with appropriate names and do any other final adjustments, if required.

Rename layers- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Finally we have created a map which shows the redistribution of agricultural land into equal parts.

Final output- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Step 8: Share the map

And now you can share the map using the Share tool.

Share map- Mapping for Equitable Agricultural Land Redistribution

Major Findings- Mapping for Agricultural land redistribution

The major findings and insights of Agriculture Land Consolidation and Redistribution using merge and split tools in MAPOG include:

1. Parcel Optimization: The merge tool helps to consolidate fragmented land parcels into larger, contiguous units leading to more efficient land use patterns, reducing fragmentation-related inefficiencies, and improving accessibility for agricultural activities.

2. Land Suitability Analysis: Land redistribution results in parcels that are better suited for agricultural production.

3. Equity and Social Impacts: The redistribution of land aims to promote equity in land access and ownership, particularly among smallholder farmers and marginalised communities

4. Economic Viability: It can help evaluate the economic viability of land consolidation and redistribution by estimating potential productivity gains, cost savings, and revenue generation opportunities resulting from more efficient land use.

5. Environmental Considerations: Land consolidation and redistribution have effects on biodiversity, soil conservation, and water management. This enables the integration of environmental data to assess the ecological impacts of land redistribution initiatives and identify strategies to minimize negative consequences while maximizing sustainability.

6. Policy and Governance: Findings regarding land tenure, governance structures, legal frameworks, and institutional capacities can inform the design and implementation of policies and programs aimed at promoting equitable and sustainable land management practices.

In overall, land redistribution with merge and split tools in MAPOG contribute to a better understanding of how land consolidation and redistribution can address land fragmentation, enhance agricultural productivity, promote socio-economic development, and achieve broader sustainability goals in rural areas.

Domain and Industry- Mapping for Agricultural land redistribution

The beneficiaries of agricultural land consolidation and redistribution include:

1. Farmers: Smallholder farmers, landless agricultural workers, and other individuals involved in agriculture receive more equitable access to land resources through redistribution initiatives.

2. Local Communities: Communities residing in rural areas where land consolidation and redistribution take place may benefit from increased agricultural productivity, improved livelihoods, and enhanced social cohesion.

3. Government: Governments and regulatory authorities benefit from improved land use efficiency, increased agricultural productivity, and socioeconomic development in rural areas, which can lead to broader economic growth and stability.

4. Environment: Environmental benefits also occur from land consolidation and redistribution initiatives, such as reduced soil erosion, improved water quality, and enhanced biodiversity conservation through more sustainable land management practices.

5. Investors: Private investors and businesses involved in agriculture may benefit from more efficient land utilization and increased agricultural productivity resulting from land consolidation and redistribution efforts.

ConclusionMapping for Agricultural land redistribution

In brief, land consolidation and redistribution using MAPOG, offer a holistic approach to addressing land fragmentation and enhancing agricultural productivity. By leveraging MAPOG tools, governments, policymakers, and agricultural stakeholders can optimize land use, promote sustainable development, and improve livelihoods in rural communities. As the global population grows and agricultural landscapes evolve, the integration of MAPOG into land management strategies can become indispensable for ensuring food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

Agricultural land polygons

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