Create a Map to Show Annual Rainfall Distribution

Embark on a journey through the intricate world of mapping annual rainfall distribution, where each droplet paints a picture of climate variation and geographic uniqueness. Leveraging MAPOG’s Map Analysis tools, we unravel the complexities of precipitation patterns with precision and clarity. Join us as we navigate the art and science of visualizing rainfall distribution, offering invaluable insights for water resource management, disaster preparedness, and environmental sustainability through Mapping Annual Rainfall Patterns. Discover how these maps serve as indispensable assets for informed decision-making across diverse sectors.


Our goal is to create a map of Annual Rainfall Distribution. This map aids decision-makers in making further analyses on Water Quality Create Map for Analyzing Water Quality using Heat Map Style or Protecting Wetlands: Guide to Create GIS Map for Nature. For Demonstration purposes, we have taken the annual rainfall data of the Districts of Karnataka, India.

Steps for the Mapping of Annual Rainfall Distribution Patterns.

Below are the steps to follow to map rainfall distribution patterns in MAPOG Map Analysis.

Step 01: Adding the DATA

  • Click on Add Upload.
  • Click Add Vector Data. This shapefile consists of the district boundaries and annual rainfall attribute data.
Adding the DATA
Adding the DATA
  • Select your Shapefile Data and click Upload
Adding the DATA
Adding the DATA
  • View the data table from Actions – Show Datatable for a clear understanding of the attributes.
View the data table from Actions
View the data table from Actions

Edit the name of the Map using The Edit icon on the top left of the Layer Panel.

Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns

02: Classification / Styling.

We can classify the data using style tools with the layers and attributes in place.

  • From the Style Data tool from the toolbar, select Quantity Style.
  • Select the required layer from the Select Layer option on the right side.
Classification / Styling.
Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns
  • In the attribute selection, choose the Rainfall Attribute.
  • You can divide it into parts, I will do 5 parts for this video.
  • Choose the color, border width, etc., and hit Save Style.
Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns
Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns

Now, the final map of Rainfall Distribution will be created. This map shows the rainfall distribution across the state, from which we can analyze that the coastal districts have received more rain compared to the inner districts. With this Knowledge, the decision-makers can plan accordingly regarding Farming, Disaster Management, etc.

Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns

You can share the final map using the share map tool.

Mapping Rainfall Distribution Patterns


  • The MAPOG MAP ANALYSIS helps to Map Annual Rainfall Distribution Patterns.
  • The Quantity Style feature classifies the districts based on the amount of annual rainfall received.
  • These maps also serve as valuable tools for research, education, and community awareness, facilitating proactive measures to address climate variability and its impacts.

BENEFICIAL DOMAIN: Environmental Science, Meteorology, Water Resource Management.

Environmental Science: In environmental science, the use of MAPOG’s Map Analysis for mapping annual rainfall distribution aids in understanding the intricate relationships between precipitation patterns and environmental factors. These maps provide insights into ecosystem health, habitat suitability, and climate change impacts, informing conservation efforts and land management strategies.

Meteorology: Meteorologists rely on MAPOG’s precise rainfall distribution maps to enhance weather forecasting accuracy and predict meteorological phenomena. By integrating MAPOG’s data into weather models, meteorologists can anticipate storms, assess flood risks, and issue timely warnings to communities at risk, contributing to disaster preparedness efforts.

Water Resource Management: MAPOG’s mapping capabilities are essential for effective water resource management. Water managers use MAPOG’s data to assess water availability, plan infrastructure projects, and implement sustainable water allocation strategies. By visualizing rainfall patterns across regions, MAPOG empowers water resource managers to optimize water usage, mitigate drought impacts, and protect freshwater ecosystems.

For any inquiries or support needs, feel free to contact us at to ensure seamless assistance and optimize your infrastructure protection strategies.


To summarize, our exploration into mapping annual rainfall distribution has illuminated the complex interplay between climate patterns and geographical features. Leveraging the capabilities of MAPOG’s Map Analysis tools, we’ve deciphered the nuances of precipitation distribution, offering valuable insights into water management, disaster mitigation, and environmental conservation. As we conclude our journey through the realm of rainfall mapping, let’s recognize the pivotal role these maps play in guiding informed decisions and shaping strategies for a more sustainable tomorrow.


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