

“Digitizing renewable energy power plants” with MAPOG, in this exploration, we simplify the process of turning intricate data into a straightforward visual guide for a sustainable tomorrow. While our example focuses on the broader global context, these principles can be applied anywhere. Join us as we guide you through the steps, making green energy mapping … Read more

Create a Map to find suitable sites for constructing a new house

Create a Map to find suitable sites for constructing a new house

Navigating the quest for an ideal location to build your dream home can be a complex yet exciting endeavor. In this journey, MAPOG emerges as your trusted guide, offering a seamless and intuitive approach to pinpointing the most suitable house construction sites. Create a map to find suitable sites for constructing a new house by … Read more

Create Map – School Map Area Coverage

Create Map – School Map Area Coverage Through Buffer Analysis

Welcome to an insightful exploration of education accessibility through comprehensive map analysis using MAPOG. In this journey, we focus on school district coverage, using a Country as an example. Our purpose is to employ Buffer Analysis, as indicated in our topic Create Map – School Map Area Coverage Through Buffer Analysis, to unveil areas with … Read more

Protecting Wetlands: Guide to Create GIS Map for Nature

Protecting Wetlands: Guide to Create GIS Map for Nature

Wetland Conservation: GIS Protection Strategies are paramount as wetlands, vital for biodiversity and ecosystem services, face growing threats from human activities and climate change. Effective conservation and management strategies hinge on accurate mapping and monitoring of wetland resources. This article explores the application of MAPOG in wetland mapping, emphasizing its capabilities in executing Wetland Conservation: … Read more